Sunday, February 22, 2009

Suggested Construct for B2B Lead Nurturing - Introduction

The benefits derived from Lead Nurturing are clear: I don't think it's necessary to outline why Lead Nurturing is vital. Besides, Marketo, Eloqua, ON24 and others have done some good work on this subject. However, we've found some hesitancy in the marketplace around the right approach to B2B Lead Nurturing, so...

Wikipedia defines Lead Management as "a term used in general business practice to describe methodologies, systems, and practices designed to generate new potential business clientele, generally operated through a variety of marketing techniques." Lead Nurturing is a subset of Lead Management where the company is focused on the communication with the audience, usually via some automated system or systems.

In the B2B environment, we've found a variety of implementations for Lead Nurturing, naturally ranging from the simple to the complex, but more than anything else, we've found a wanting for the right approach to B2B Lead Nurturing. So I wanted to tackle this subject and offer a construct that we've found most useful, even as a starting point for discussion. Hopefully, it will stimulate some thinking on your end.

Here's how we'll approach it:
  1. We'll first cover the approach to Lead Nurturing.
  2. Next, we'll present a B2B Lead Nurturing Model.
  3. This leads to an overview of "how", i.e., how to get it done.
  4. Lastly, we'll touch on reporting.

In our next posting, we'll cover the approach to Lead Nurturing, which centers around a concept that an old boss of mine used to harp about over and over: PUI...

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